Saturday, June 19, 2010

LEAD BABIES: A generation of children compromised by lead exposure

A pair of Canadian Special Educators implore us to read their book, follow their simple 3 step lead elimination plan, and prevent another generation of what they are calling, “lead babies.”

It is not a fad or a theory that lead causes damage to the human body and brain. It creates more types of damage, earlier and more often than was ever thought before. We now have more than a generation of children with seemingly invisible but nonetheless serious and real brain damage to show for our casual attitude toward lead.

We know that the specific brain damage that lead causes manifests itself as learning disabilities, ADHD, low IQ and delinquent behavior. As scientists emerge from their research silos and cross-reference their findings, there is a rapidly growing body of evidence that in partnership with mercury, lead is causing autism. The link between heavy metals and autoimmune disease has been established.

Two Canadian special education experts have compiled the research on lead and coined a term for the generation of children who have been born with an unprecedented amount of lead and mercury caused neurological damage: Lead Babies.

But they are not done there. Cerazy and Cottingham ave given us a blueprint for change; a family, wallet-friendly recipe for ending this trend. Its called, LEAD BABIES, How heavy metals are causing our children’s autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, low IQ and behavior problems.

For a free download of the 3 steps to get started, go to

Request a copy at your neighborhood library, local bookstore, or The Lead Free Store.

LEAD BABIES, How heavy metals is causing our childrens' autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, low IQ and behavior problems
and autism
was recently released in a new, updated paperback version.